If you’d like to learn more about Max Butler Amps, start by watching the 2 Max Butler interviews below. Below that we also have some video reviews of Max’s amps, one that are currently available on YouTube. If you own a Butler amp, please consider uploading your own video review, and then visiting our about page to request that we add it to the web site!
Official Max Butler Interview Part #1
Official Max Butler Interview Part #2
Official Max Butler Interview Part #3: Max talks about a few brushes with fame and disappointments….
Official Max Butler Interview #3 Part 2: Max talks about his recent discovery with his Swamp amp…
Max Butler Swamp Amp Review
Max Butler’s personal Swamp Video Demo (25 watt)
Silver Hammer (50 watt Plexi) Video Demo
Rudy Wijaya playing his Swamp 50
Andy Brenner playing his Butler Sledge with The Blues Pilots (he’s in the middle)