
Tyler Ross Swamp Amp Stacks

Max Butler Amp News

We recently got an email submission from Tyler Ross – who owns in fact two Swamp amps built by Max Butler. He was kind enough to send a nice testimonial as well – and this is what he had to say:

Unlike most the players that have a Butler amp I myself did not have these two made for me, they were built for a family member. from the first time i heard these amps I fell in love with them, and when they were for sale I bought them. there has been multiple time where my family member has tried to by them back (good luck).

I too have had the pleasure of meeting Max, he is one of the nicest guys in this business. he will never say no to an idea, and he is always wanting to hear what you want done. I have owned these amps for five years, and I dont ever plan on selling them. The first time I went to meet Max I had him give me an autograph it still hangs above my amps to this day.

This is Tyler Ross’ submitted pic of his Swam amp stacks:


(click image above to see full size)

This is the autograph Max gave Tyler:


(click image above to see full size)

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